West Haven administrators stand with winner of spelling bee

Bailey Middle School 8th grader Rabya Almaksoudi was named 2024 - 2025's Scripps Spelling Bee Champion for West Haven Thursday afternoon while Carrigan Intermediate School 5th grader Michael Wilson was named runner-up. In addition to their new titles, both champion and runner-up students received Barnes & Noble gift cards.

Almaksoudi and Wilson will both go on to represent West Haven at the Connecticut Spelling Bee held on Sunday, March 9th at 1:00pm at the University of Saint Joseph's Hoffman Auditorium in West Hartford, CT.

Almaksoudi won Thursday's contest after correctly spelling the word "diaphragm."

Congratulations to all 12 West Haven spelling bee participants who beat out 2000 students in grades 5 - 8 for the chance to compete Thursday.

Good luck to Rabya and Michael in March!