Important Dates This Week:
Monday, March 3
WHPS Board of Education Meeting @ 6pm
Bailey Scholastic Book Fair
Carrigan Parent Visiting Night
Half day for Carrigan students
Tuesday, March 4
Bailey Scholastic Book Fair
Bailey Parent Visiting Night
Half day for Bailey students
Wednesday, March 5
Bailey Scholastic Book Fair
WHHS Parent Visiting Night
Half day for WHHS students
WHHS SAT Day (all 11th grade students)
Bailey Drama Department Chipotle Fundraiser from 4 -8pm
Thursday, March 6
Bailey Scholastic Book Fair
WHHS Instrumental Music Department Spring Concert @ 7pm
WHHS Boy's and Girl's Outdoor Track Informational Meeting @ 2pm inside the WHHS Main Lobby
Elementary Parent Visiting Night
Half day for Seth Haley, Washington, Mackrille, Forest, Pagels, & Savin Rock students
Friday, March 7
Bailey Scholastic Book Fair
Sunday, March 9
Daylight Savings Time
Turn clocks ahead by 1 hour
Pagels PTA
There will be a Pagels PTA meeting on Monday, March 10th inside the Pagels Library at 6:30pm - all are welcome!
Mackrille PTA
There will be a Mackrille PTA meeting on Tuesday, March 11th at Mackrille and also virtually @ 6:30pm - all are welcome!
Pagels School Family Math Night
Come join us for a night of math fun for the whole family on Thursday, March 13th from 6 - 7pm inside the Pagels School Gymnasium. If you plan on attending, please return the provided form by Monday, March 10th.
WHHS Class of 2025
The last day to purchase a cap and gown is Friday, March 14th. A cap and gown is required in order to participate in the 2025 graduation ceremony. Cost is $40 (cash), please see Ms. Corrado in the main office to purchase.
Also, if you have not yet completed your diploma verification form on PowerSchool, you must do so immediately. Your diploma cannot be ordered if the form is not completed.
Bailey Staff Basketball Game
Join us at WHHS on Thursday, March 20th at 6:00pm for the Bailey Staff Basketball Game - 7th grade staff vs. 8th grade staff.
Doors will open at 5:30pm and tickets are required - $5 each (cash only) and sold during homeroom time in the Bailey cafe on March 13th, 14th, 17th, and 18th.
Mackrille PTA Multicultural Family Night
Join us on Thursday, March 20th from 5:45-7pm inside the Mackrille Gym for a tour around the world and see what students have created plus live music and performances!
WHHS Athletics
Tryouts for all spring sports will be Saturday, March 22nd. All athletes must register on Final Forms to be eligible to tryout and all forms and physicals must be submitted in Final Forms. For more information, please contact the coach for your desired sport which can be found here.
MP2 Report Cards - Elementary
Report cards for all 6 elementary schools will distributed for the 2nd marking period on Monday, March 24th.
WHHS Theatre Workshop
The West Haven Theatre Workshop presents The Addams Family: The Musical on March 27 & 28 at 7pm and March 29 at 2pm & 7pm. Tickets on sale now via this link.
Pagels Pride Day
Wear your Pagels School gear or colors on Friday, March 28th.
No School - Eid al-Fitr
There will be no school for WHPS students Monday, March 31st in observance of Eid al-Fitr. This will be a professional development day for staff.
Bailey Athletics
Tryouts for Bailey baseball and softball will be held on April 1st, 2nd, and 3rd from 2:30pm - 4:15pm each day. Softball tryouts will be at Ora Mason Library and baseball tryouts will be at Bailey Field. Transportation home will not be provided, all students trying out must secure their own transportation home. Please be at the field no later than 4:15pm to pick up your student trying out. All athletic forms and physicals must be submitted via Final Forms in order to be eligible to try out. For more information, please contact each sport's coach directly which can be found here.
SAT Make Up Day
SAT Make Up Day will be April 9th. This is for any WHHS 11th grade student that did not take the SAT on March 5th and signed up for for the Make Up Day due to Ramadan observance.