Mrs. Nebor’s 4th grade class at Pagels did a collection for the animal shelter!
10 months ago, Alma E. Pagels Elementary School
students posing
Seth Haley 3rd graders participated in an ELA and Math Carnival today to prepare for the upcoming Smarter Balanced state assessment! The students had a blast during this great rainy-day activity as they practiced their concepts and skills while playing some cool games. The carnival ended with cotton candy, popcorn, and juice boxes for all!
10 months ago, Seth G. Haley Elementary School
The phone lines at Pagels are now working.
10 months ago, West Haven Public Schools
🚨 In today’s Meet the Captains feature, we’d like to introduce you to one of the captains of the WHHS girls lacrosse team, junior Chloe Whelan!
10 months ago, West Haven High School
The phones are currently down at Pagels and we are working on the issue. We will post updates when available.
10 months ago, West Haven Public Schools
Today’s Then & Now #TBT post is a special one, as we feature the Morrell family – Joe, Jackie, Jocey, and Jolie! Click here ➡️
10 months ago, West Haven Public Schools
🚨 In today’s Meet the Captains feature, we’d like to introduce you to one of the captains of the WHHS boys lacrosse team, senior Yousaf Ullah!
10 months ago, West Haven High School
lacrosse player
lacrosse player
Forest School celebrated Perfect Attendance for March by awarding 185 students with a certificate! The school also had a raffle and of the 185 students, one student from each grade received a gift card to Wendy's. Pictured here are our raffle winners from each grade, Kindergarten - 4th.
10 months ago, Forest Elementary School
students posing
Students in Mrs. Cavallaro's class started an investigation to recognize National Healthy Schools Day. They placed an index card with Aquaphor in different locations throughout the school to see which areas collect the most pollutants. After 2 weeks, they will collect the cards and observe the results.
10 months ago, West Haven High School
national healthy schools day
national health schools day
national healthy schools day
national healthy schools day
national healthy schools day
Fourth and first graders celebrating National Healthy Schools Day at Savin Rock!
10 months ago, Savin Rock Community School
national healthy schools day
national healthy schools day
national healthy schools day
national healthy schools day
Here are some more photos of first graders celebrating National Healthy Schools Day!
10 months ago, Washington Elementary School
national healthy schools day
national healthy schools day
national healthy schools day
national healthy schools day
national healthy schools day
Room 11 at Seth Haley celebrating National Healthy Schools Day!
10 months ago, Seth G. Haley Elementary School
national healthy schools day
national healthy schools day
First graders at Mackrille celebrating National Healthy Schools Day!
10 months ago, Edith E. Mackrille Elementary School
national healthy schools day
national healthy schools day
The first graders in Room 9 at Washington had fun learning about pollution and how it affects the air we breathe. We also learned some simple ways to prevent it. We played a game of "hide and seek" with pollution. We could smell it or see it at times. Our little learners had a blast checking if their water was polluted by stirring it!
10 months ago, Washington Elementary School
student posing
student posing
student posing
student posing
student posing
student posing
student posing
student posing
student posing
student posing
After learning all about the solar eclipse and solar eclipse safety, kindergarten students at Forest went outside yesterday and observed the eclipse with their eclipse glasses!
10 months ago, Forest Elementary School
students posing
REMINDER | Wednesday, April 10, 2024, will be a half-day session for students due to Staff Development.
10 months ago, West Haven Public Schools
🚨 In today’s Meet the Captains feature, we’d like to introduce you to one of the captains of the WHHS softball team, senior Alyvia Ginsberg!
10 months ago, West Haven High School
softball player
softball player
West Haven High School students, see the flyer below for an upcoming event in the WHHS Career Center!
10 months ago, West Haven High School
Fourth graders from Seth Haley Elementary School visited West Haven High School today! Students watched a movie in the lecture hall and had lunch in the café with their high school hosts. It was a great opportunity for the students to see the new high school and connect with some older role models!
10 months ago, Seth G. Haley Elementary School
Congratulations to Carrigan students Danna Adrian-Tarco, Elder De La Rosa-Lara, and Zainab Wafa, on winning the West Haven Prevention Council (WHPC) Poster Contest! Their poster designs featured messages of motivation and kindness!
10 months ago, May V. Carrigan Intermediate School
students posing
students posing
students posing
students posing