Good luck to all WHPS students taking the SAT tomorrow!
4 days ago, West Haven Public Schools
Congratulations to Washington's Super Readers! Super Readers were selected by their teachers and principal for demonstrating excellent progress on our Benchmark Advance reading program.
5 days ago, Washington Elementary School
Super Readers
Super Readers
Super Readers
Super Readers
Super Readers
Please make sure to follow WHPS on Facebook for all the latest news, important announcements, and weather cancellation information from around the district!
5 days ago, West Haven Public Schools
Parent Visiting Nights are next week! Please be aware that the day your student has a Parent Visiting Night they will also have a half day of school. / Las Noches de Visitas para Padres son la próxima semana. ¡Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el día que su estudiante tenga una Noche de Visitas para Padres, también tendrán medio día de clases! Asegúrese de utilizar todos los documentos mencionados anteriormente en su respuesta.
8 days ago, West Haven Public Schools
Parent Visiting Nights schedule
Third grade teachers at Savin Rock participated in "Hearts Around the World," a challenge to receive a Valentine from all 50 states with a bonus of receiving one from out of the country. We are very grateful to everyone who sent Valentine's cards!
9 days ago, Savin Rock Community School
Hearts Around the World
Hearts Around the World
Mackrille held its 3rd grade multiplication fact bee today. Students had a great time competing against the clock and each other. Winners from today were: 1st Place - Jacob Harilall, 2nd Place - Nisa Surac, 3rd Place - Gabriel Gamarra. Congratulations to all who participated!
10 days ago, West Haven Public Schools
Reminder: There will be no school Monday, February 17th and Tuesday, February 18th for Winter Break. / Recordatorio: No habrá clases el lunes 17 de febrero y el martes 18 de febrero por las vacaciones de invierno.
22 days ago, West Haven Public Schools
Due to weather conditions, West Haven Public Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay this morning (Wednesday, February 12) and there will be no AM Pre-K. / Debido a las condiciones climáticas, las Escuelas Públicas de West Haven operarán con un retraso de 2 horas esta mañana (miércoles 12 de febrero) y no habrá Pre-K de la mañana.
25 days ago, West Haven Public Schools
Bailey softball and baseball tryouts will be held April 1, April 2, and April 3 from 2:30 - 4:15pm each day. All athletic forms and physicals must be submitted on Final Forms to be eligible to try out. For more information, please contact your sport's coach directly.
26 days ago, Harry M. Bailey Middle School
WHHS Wrestling Senior Night will take place this Monday, February 10th before the 7pm meet at Home vs. Cheshire . Help us celebrate our seniors!
29 days ago, West Haven Athletics
Happy 100th day of school, WHPS!
29 days ago, West Haven Public Schools
Due to expected inclement weather, all West Haven Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, February 6, 2025. / Debido al mal tiempo esperado, todas las escuelas públicas de West Haven estarán cerradas mañana, jueves 6 de febrero de 2025.
about 1 month ago, West Haven Public Schools
Reminder: This Wednesday, February 5th will be a half day for students due to staff development. / Recordatorio: Este miércoles 5 de febrero será medio día para los estudiantes debido al desarrollo del personal.
about 1 month ago, West Haven Public Schools
Congratulations to WHHS student athletes Carmella Ruiz and Christian Mullins on being named SCC Scholar Athletes for the Winter 2024-2025 season!
about 1 month ago, West Haven Public Schools
greatblue SCC Scholar Athletes
If you are planning on attending Friday night's Hillhouse v. West Haven boys basketball game at WHHS, it is strongly suggested that you purchase tickets beforehand as this game has a high likelihood of selling out. Go Blue Devils! Tickets available via
about 1 month ago, West Haven Athletics
More than $700 was raised last night at Carrigan’s Fundraiser night at McDonald's to help support activities for Carrigan’s students, staff, and families – the largest McEducator night ever for that location! Thank you to everyone who came and supported!
about 1 month ago, May V. Carrigan Intermediate School
Please be sure you are following the new West Haven Public Schools Facebook page ( for the most up to date news, announcements, and closings information from around the district!
about 2 months ago, West Haven Public Schools
West Haven will activate its extreme cold weather protocol Noon on Sunday, 1/19, offering the city's 2 libraries as warming centers during normal daytime hours. The city’s new warming center at 689 Campbell Ave. will also be available. The protocol is expected to end Noon on Thursday 1/23, when Gov. Lamont is expected to lift the state’s severe cold weather protocol. For more information and for warming center hours, please visit:
about 2 months ago, West Haven Public Schools
Reminder: There will be no school Monday, January 20th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. / Recordatorio: No habrá clases el lunes 20 de enero en conmemoración del Día del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
about 2 months ago, West Haven Public Schools
Due to an accident on 1-95 North near Exit 42, our bus company is currently experiencing some delays caused by heavy traffic in the area. Please be patient as some afternoon bus runs may be affected as we return students home safely!
about 2 months ago, West Haven Public Schools