West Haven Public Schools is hosting its Job Fair tomorrow, January 11th, 2023 from 3 - 6 pm in the high school! Please see the flyer below for more information.
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
Congratulations to WHHS students Jan Ibanez and Maykin Morales Perez on being named the Blue Devils of the Month for December!
about 2 years ago, West Haven High School
student posing
student and staff posing
The City of West Haven and the West Haven Hispanic American of the Year Alumni Association Present Three Kings Day Celebration tomorrow, January 5th! Please see the flyer below for more information.
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
‼️ With the return to school and start of the new year, we'd like to remind everyone about the West Haven Public Schools CT mobile app! The app features an events section, customized push notifications, cafeteria menus, district updates, and staff directories. Download on the Apple App Store or get it on Google Play today.
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
WE ARE HIRING!!! West Haven Public Schools is hosting a Job Fair on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at West Haven High School from 3 - 6 pm. Please see the flyer below for more information.
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
The next regularly scheduled West Haven Board of Education meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, in the West Haven High School Cafe, 1 McDonough Plaza, West Haven, CT 06516. This meeting will begin at 6:00 P.M.
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
REMINDER | There will be no school for Winter Break from Monday, December 26, 2022 to Monday, January 2, 2023. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
NO SCHOOL TOMORROW | At the request of the West Haven Department of Emergency Management, all West Haven Public Schools will be closed Friday, December 23, 2022 due to the impending storm.
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
In case you missed it, the WHHS Chorus, Camerata, and Bel Canto performed its Winter Choral Concert earlier this week! You can see clips from the concert here > https://bit.ly/3GcTwZQ
about 2 years ago, West Haven High School
choral concert
choral concert
choral concert
choral concert
REMINDER | Tomorrow, December 23, 2022 will be a half day for students.
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
The West Haven Prevention Council has extended the deadline for its Student Billboard Contest to January 16, 2023! The contest is for students in 6th - 12th grade! Please see the flyer below for more information.
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
West Haven High School Peer Advocates preparing for Toys for Joy!
about 2 years ago, West Haven High School
student working
students posing
In case you missed the WHHS winter band concert, you can check out clips from last week's performance here: https://bit.ly/3YxVivT.
about 2 years ago, West Haven High School
Congratulations to the WHHS Children's Theater on an excellent performance Saturday from their show, "How Many Days of Christmas Are There?" In case you missed it, you can check out photos here: https://bit.ly/3v41azC.
about 2 years ago, West Haven High School
West Haven Public Schools is providing breakfasts and lunches free of charge under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) through the Child Nutrition Department. The students in West Haven will continue to receive free benefits throughout the school year. The school districts that are in jeopardy of their funds running out are not on the CEP program. All West Haven Public Schools will continue to receive free breakfast and lunch for the duration of the school year.
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
The WHHS Children’s Theatre performed its play, ‘How many days of Christmas are there?’ for all 2 graders this week for some practice before their public performance this Sat., 12/17! The show is free of charge for ALL families and will start at 10:30 a.m. in the WHHS Auditorium.
about 2 years ago, West Haven High School
students performing
students performing
students performing
students performing
WHHS hosted its Alumni Homecoming last night as counselors helped alumni reach their career goals! The even took place in the Career Center.
about 2 years ago, West Haven High School
staff helping students
staff helping students
The West Haven girls volleyball team was presented the 2022 Sportsmanship Award from the New Haven board of volleyball officials! Congratulations Coach Kate Coldren and the captains on this well deserved honor!
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
staff and students posing
On December 3rd, the MUN (Model United Nations) Club took part in the UNH Charger MUN Conference, and everyone did a great job while learning a lot! Also, congratulations to Alvaro Sarmiento on winning the "Best Delegate" award! It is one of the highest honors at the conference for being the most prepared and aware of their topic. Great job MUN Westies!
about 2 years ago, West Haven High School
students posing
West Haven families looking for information about the 'Pandemic EBT' Child Care program? Please visit this link > https://portal.ct.gov/DSS/SNAP/Pandemic-EBT.
about 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools