At Seth G. Haley, students are met as they walk into the building with a warm welcome to start their day by the staff! Our support staff works diligently to support our students with SEL lessons, relationship-building activities, and understanding their emotions. Students at Seth G. Haley strive to be Bucket Fillers. Bucket Fillers awards are given out weekly to students who are recognized for doing their best each day to show kindness and respect to the people around them. Pictured here are Ivan Lopes (ACES Behavioral Technician), Kari Edelen (School Psychologist), and Jamene Farrell (Social Worker).
4th-graders at Washington School performed their spring concert this morning in front of family and staff! The theme of the concert was, ‘America’. Congratulations to these students on all their hard work leading up to today, and a job well done! To see videos of the kids singing, visit our Instagram page @westhavenpublicschoolsct.
Yesterday, Carrigan students were lucky enough to get a visit from Danny, the West Haven Fire Department therapy dog! Danny came to the school in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. Thank you to Danny and the WHFD for putting smiles on our student’s faces!
Mackrille School embeds social-emotional learning into their daily routines. Both the social worker and school psychologist circulate into each classroom to provide specific lessons on character development, emotion identification, empathy, and self-advocacy. Students learn about the BIG 3 Mackrille expectations, including being respectful, responsible, and safe. Mackrille hosts a variety of events to build parent partnerships that foster growth of the whole child. Pictured here are Deanna Paolino (social worker) and Faye Marzinotto (school psychologist).
Congratulations to Alison Frazer of the girls' outdoor track & field team and Johnny Chen of the boys' tennis team, on being named 2024 SCC Spring Scholar Athletes, presented by Great Blue Research!
Last Friday, all West Haven High School student-athletes participated in a seminar on mental health in sports. Guest speakers Melvin Wells III, Latrell Alston, and Kwadir Delgado-McIntyre, spoke on the importance of balancing life and athletics, the importance of one's mental health, the pressures of athletics and peer pressure of others, choosing a college that fits you overall, and the positive role/impact athletes can have on our communities. Students asked fantastic questions and stayed after the presentation to speak personally and ask questions with the presenters. We'd like to thank Melvin, Latrell, and Kwadir for taking the time to come speak with our student-athletes and making such a positive impact!
Before the West Haven High School baseball game on Friday, May 10th, Co-Athletic Director Mike Anquillare hosted a ceremony for former baseball players Jamie Russell ’89 and Jerry Gambardella ’00, whose lives were taken too early in 2001. Memorial rocks in their honor, which were placed at Painter Park, have been moved to the entrance of the John “Whitey” Piurek Baseball Field at WHHS, where all the junior varsity and varsity games are played. Anquillare and Superintendent Neil Cavallaro addressed the current team in front of the rocks and provided some words of encouragement. Jamie’s mother, Carol, his niece Maile (a senior at WHHS), and Jerry’s parents, Jerry and Marianne, were also in attendance to celebrate the new placement of the memorial.
After a week full of treats, the final day of Teacher Appreciation at Carrigan was celebrated with the Walnut Beach Creamery Truck plus a surprise delivery from Westies Nutrition!
Last night, West Haven High School hosted its annual Art Show with music and food! Take a look at some of the artwork by our incredibly talented students. To see the full album, click the link here 👉
At Pagels Elementary School, the staff ensures that each child enters the school knowing they are cared for and heard. This begins with a greeting of "Welcome to Pagels" at the door and doesn't end until the last child has boarded the bus. Parents are welcomed inside to celebrate their child's successes as they are recognized for their accomplishments. Evening celebrations are widely attended because at Pagels, it isn't just a school, but a community. Pictured here are Jordan (ACES Behavior Tech), Felicia Soderlund (ACES BCBA), Joanne Guthrie (Social Worker), and Alison McBride (School Psych). #mentalhealthawarenessmonth
First year teacher Ms. Felag was surprised by her class today with a cake and a gift bag for Teacher Appreciation Week!
#westhavenpublicschools #whps #westhavenct
🚨 We’re back with another Meet the Captains feature! Today, we’d like to introduce you to one of the captains of the WHHS boy’s lacrosse team, senior Max Ginsberg!
Due to a network outage, phone lines and internet are currently down at Savin Rock, Haley, and Forest. The issue is being worked on and we will post updates when available.
The Bailey Bands will be performing this week at Bailey Middle School! On Wednesday, May 8th, the 7th Grade Band and Jazz Band will be in concert at Bailey Middle School at 7:00 PM. Doors will open for this event at 6:30 PM. On Thursday, May 9th, the 8th Grade Band and Percussion Ensembles will be in concert at Bailey Middle School at 7:00 PM. Doors will open for this event at 6:30 PM. These are free concerts. Please come and support our talented musicians if your schedule allows it.
The West Haven Development Soccer Program begins June 10th! Check out the flyer below for more information.
On Thursday, May 2nd, the West Haven High School Jazz Band and Concert Choir performed alongside the Bailey Middle School Jazz Band in the WHHS Auditorium! Congratulations to all these incredibly talented students on a job well done!
First day of teacher appreciation treats for the Carrigan staff was the Hardcore Sweets Cupcake Truck!
Forest School utilizes an integrated support model that nurtures the philosophy of supports for all. Beginning with arrival, students are greeted by all staff including the principal, social worker, school psychologist, and behaviorist, to ensure that each day starts positive. The hallways are decorated with student celebrations of learning and monthly awards for perfect attendance ensure that each child has a positive experience in school. Forest Team pictured Vanessa Grinold, Karen Wyskiel, and Nikkole Dye.
On Friday, 2nd graders at Seth Haley practiced their money skills while shopping at “Target” and “Starbucks”!
On May 16th, there will be a Health & Wellness Fair from 6-8 pm in the Bailey Middle School gymnasium. Please see the flyer below for more information.