Congratulations to all our 4th-grade graduates at Seth Haley, who were promoted today and will move on to the 5th grade next year!
over 1 year ago, Seth G. Haley Elementary School
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promotion ceremony
Congratulations to all our 4th-grade graduates at Mackrille, who were promoted today and will move on to the 5th grade next year!
over 1 year ago, Edith E. Mackrille Elementary School
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promotional ceremony
🚨 GRADUATION TIME CHANGE 🚨 The processional for West Haven High School's graduation will now begin at 3:30 p.m. due to potential rain later in the day.
over 1 year ago, West Haven High School
📢 ATTENTION WHHS STUDENTS 📢 Registration for Summer School begins Monday, June 12th. Please see the flyer below for more information.
over 1 year ago, West Haven High School
Mrs. Sasso's 3rd-grade class at Seth Haley School got a visit from Sodexo Food Service today! The kids asked questions about how Sodexo manages to feed over 4,500 students a day, and how the menus are made for breakfast and lunch. They also got a special fried dough lunch! #westhavenpublicschools #whps #westhavenct #sethhaley
almost 2 years ago, Seth G. Haley Elementary School
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Congratulations to all our pre-K students at Forest Elementary School on their graduation, and best of luck to them in kindergarten!
almost 2 years ago, Forest Elementary School
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pre-k graduation
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students posing
pre-k graduation
pre-k graduation
pre-k graduation
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pre-k graduation
Congratulations to all our 4th-graders at Washington who were promoted today and will move on to 5th grade next year! #westhavenpublicschools #whps #westhavenct #washingtonschool
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary School
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Congratulations to all our 4th-graders at Savin Rock who were promoted today and will move on to 5th grade next year! #westhavenpublicschools #whps #westhavenct #savinrockschool
almost 2 years ago, Savin Rock Community School
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Bailey Middle School has concluded its week-long 8th-grade promotion ceremonies! Congratulations to all our graduates, and best of luck in high school!
almost 2 years ago, Harry M. Bailey Middle School
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8th grade promotion ceremony
8th grade promotion ceremony
8th grade promotion ceremony
8th grade promotion ceremony
8th grade promotion ceremony
8th grade promotion ceremony
8th grade promotion ceremony
8th grade promotion ceremony
8th grade promotion ceremony
Students and staff at Mackrille had a lot of fun at today’s Indoor Field Day!
almost 2 years ago, Edith E. Mackrille Elementary School
students at field day
students at field day
students at field day
students at field day
students at field day
students at field day
students at field day
students at field day
students at field day
students at field day
📢 WHHS STUDENTS 📢 Looking for a job? Check out these flyers from Amazon to see if it interests you!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
Our incredibly talented team of students at The Rostrum created a 2022-23 Year in Review video! Check it out here >
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
The West Haven Voice recently published an article about the new Washington Elementary School building. You can read all about it here:
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
The Literacy Volunteers of Woodmont donated hundreds of books to the West Haven Public Schools this school year. These books have been greatly appreciated by teachers and students and have found their way into many classroom libraries. The books supplied have been given to students to take home as an effort to create “book-rich” family environments. Research shows that books in the home can contribute to future academic success. Pictured here are students from Savin Rock reading the books! They also wrote Thank You notes to the Literacy Volunteers of Woodmont!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
students reading
Forest Elementary School held its 4th-Grade Promotion Ceremony today. Congratulations to all these incredible students for their hard work and best of luck to each of them at their next school!
almost 2 years ago, Forest Elementary School
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promotion ceremony
A big thank you to meteorologist Sam Kantrow from WTNH who came to see our Pagels’ 3rd-graders today!
almost 2 years ago, Alma E. Pagels Elementary School
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students learning
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students learning
The Rostrum put together an excellent montage of the 2023 Senior Prom at Anthony’s Ocean View. Check it out here >
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
Washington PreK held its graduation this afternoon! Students received their diploma and sang a thank you song to the families.
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary School
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pre-K graduation
pre-K graduation
pre-K graduation
pre-K graduation
That’s a wrap! After a week of 6th-grade promotion ceremonies, Carrigan concluded its final one today. Congratulations to all 6th graders who have graduated, and best of luck in middle school next year!
almost 2 years ago, May V. Carrigan Intermediate School
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promotion ceremony
Last week, 1st graders at Washington School took a field trip to the beach! The students had a lot of fun on a beautiful day. 🏖️ ☀️ #westhavenpublicschools #whps #washingtonschool
almost 2 years ago, Washington Elementary School
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student playing
students posing
students posing
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students playing
students playing
students playing
students playing
students playing