Congratulations to all our WHHS students who were honored today for their excellence both academically and athletically during the 41st Annual Rotary Club of West Haven Scholar-Athlete Recognition ceremony!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
students posing
✨ Senior Prom 2023 ✨
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
senior prom
senior prom
senior prom
senior prom
senior prom
senior prom
senior prom
senior prom
senior prom
senior prom
Materials donated by the West Haven Seahawks were used to build a large Adirondack chair by Mr. Martin’s Construction Class at the high school! The chair is located on the boardwalk at the end of Altschuler Boulevard. Pictured here, from left to right, are Naysandro Cruz, Mike Luth, Ray Gilbert, Matt Rasile, Paul Zello, Ryan Robinson, and teacher Mike Martin. The students not in the photo, but who helped make the chair, are Orlando Ayala, Kayla Cedeno, John Huckabey, Joe Malangone, Danae Michael, Edrian Morales, Brandon Rodriguez, Jacob Senerchia, Cassie Wadeka, and Dakota Willette. #westhavenpublicschools #whps #westhavenct #whhs
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
students and teacher posing
WHHS celebrated 'Get Outside And Play for Kid’s Mental Health Day' with a school-wide picnic today
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
school wide picnic
school wide picnic
school wide picnic
school wide picnic
school wide picnic
school wide picnic
REMINDER | There will be no school Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day.
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
Congratulations to all 61 students who were inducted into the West Haven High School Chapter of the National Honor Society this week! The event opened with a candle-lighting ceremony by students Vittoria Favia (Scholarship), Shirleya Lawal (Character), Dulcemaria Castillo (Leadership), and Brianna Montano-Vazquez (Service). Class of 2022 Hannah Davey was invited as the guest speaker, before Principal Dana Paredes presented the old members (45 students), and Advisor Chrystal Fanelli introduced the new members!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
national honor society induction ceremony
national honor society induction ceremony
national honor society induction ceremony
national honor society induction ceremony
national honor society induction ceremony
national honor society induction ceremony
national honor society induction ceremony
national honor society induction ceremony
national honor society induction ceremony
national honor society induction ceremony
Last week, the WHHS EMT Class won the CPR Challenge at the EMT Olympics! Check out this video by student Nada El Mouki of all the great memories they created this year! Watch:
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
WHHS AP U.S. Government and Politics took a field trip to the State Capitol today! Rep. Dorinda Borer gave the tour of the House and Senate, before going to the State Supreme Court. There were 43 kids in attendance!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
students posing
📢 ATTENTION WHHS SENIORS 📢 Please see the flyer below regarding a workforce training program to support the need for Asphalt Quality Control Lab Technicians!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
📢 ATTENTION WHHS SENIORS 📢 Please see the flyer below regarding a workforce training program to support the need for Asphalt Quality Control Lab Technicians!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
📢 ATTENTION WHHS SENIORS 📢 Please see the flyer below regarding a workforce training program to support the need for Asphalt Quality Control Lab Technicians!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
REMINDER | Tomorrow, May 24th, will be a half day for students due to staff development.
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
Congratulations to this incredible group for winning the CPR Challenge at the EMT Olympics today!! They won First Place in the Team Assessment, were named Best in Trauma, and finished Second Place in Academics! They competed against high school classes from Joel Barlow, Brookfield, and Bethel.
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
students posing
West Haven High School’s Senior Tribute Concert took place last night in a packed auditorium! The concert, which was dedicated to the Senior Class of 2023, featured the Last Wind Clarinet Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, Project Red Ensemble, the Blue Devil Jazz Band, and the West Haven High School Concert Band! The show, which was directed by Donata Lupacchino, was a huge success! Congratulations to all these incredible students!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
Now, let’s introduce you to the Top 10!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
On Wednesday, the Top 20 students in the WHHS Class of 2023 were honored during an annual breakfast celebration at West River Hall. We’d like to introduce you now to each student individually so you can see what school they are attending, and what they plan to study! Here are students No. 20 through 11!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
🚨 In today's 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀 feature, we'd like to introduce you to another girls' lacrosse captain 🥍, Brooke Moscato!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
Last night, the WHHS Chorus performed a “Songs of Many Nations” concert in the auditorium! Congratulations to all our students, and Choral Director Jason Thomas, on an excellent job!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
student singing
choral concert
choral concert
choral concert
choral concert
choral concert
choral concert
choral concert
choral concert
choral concert
On Friday, the WHHS Senior Class hosted Mr. Westie for the first time post-Covid! Mr. Westie is a tradition that started in 1994 to raise funds for the senior prom and senior picnic. Congratulations to the winner, Aeden Coe (pictured with the crown)!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
students posing
mr westie award show
mr westie award show
mr westie award show
mr westie award show
mr westie award show
mr westie award show
mr westie award show
mr westie award show
At last week’s College Signing Day event at WHHS, the school counseling department presented a slideshow that displayed where our Seniors are going after graduation! The slideshow aired on The Rostrum TV News Show this morning, and it begins at the 2:54 mark. Check it out!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School