📢 ATTENTION PARENTS | If your child will be absent due to Eid, please contact your child's school to document this religious absence.
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
📢 Attention all certified teachers, RNs, and soon-to-be certified teachers! The West Haven Board of Education will host its 2023 Recruitment Reception on April 20th from 4-7 pm at West Haven High School! Please see the flyer below for more information.
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
recruitment reception
The West Haven High School PTSA held a youth anti-violence event this morning in the WHHS main lobby! WHHS student clubs/groups participated in the event and presented information regarding youth violence prevention and awareness in a creative way. Thank you to the following groups for participating: the WHHS Theatre Workshop, the WHHS Student Government, the WHHS Class Act Council, the WHHS SADD chapter, and the WHHS Class of 2025. Additionally, several outside groups participated as well: the West Haven Prevention Council (Bridges), Shoreline Wellness, and Cornell Scott, while the school health clinic provided information. This event was made possible through a grant from the Connecticut Judicial System’s Youth Services Prevention / Youth Violence Prevention Initiative to the WHHS PTSA. West Haven Prevention Council (Bridges) and Shoreline Wellness generously donated to support the event as well. #westhavenpublicschools #whps #whhs #ptsa #whhsptsa
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
students posing
outside vendors posing
outside vendors posing
students posing
students posing
anti violence event
outside vendor posing
students at anti violence event
students posing
A huge THANK YOU to the West Haven Veterans Council for stopping by West Haven High School to hand Principal Dana Paredes a check for $2,000 for senior scholarships!! The money will be divided into 2 scholarships at $1,000 each. The Vietnam Vets in attendance were Dave Ricci (Veterans Council President), Steve Carney, Mark Levine, Rich Foley, and Howie Thomas.
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
vietnam vets present WHHS with check
REMINDER | Spring Recess begins tomorrow! There will be no school from Friday, April 7th through Friday, April 14th. Classes will resume Monday, April 17th. Enjoy the break everyone!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
spring recess graphic
SAVE THE DATE!! Bailey Middle School Drama Club Proudly Presents: Disney's Frozen the Musical, Jr.! Please see the flyer below for all information regarding the show.
almost 2 years ago, Harry M. Bailey Middle School
frozen flyer
The West Haven PTA Council is proud to recognize our 2023 Unsung Hero recipients during an annual dinner on Thursday, April 27th at 5:30 pm in the WHHS Cafeteria! Please see the flyer below for more information. Tickets can be purchased here > https://bit.ly/3Ug0eUC.
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
unsung hero dinner flyer
Today is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day, and we want to thank all our paras for their dedication and commitment to our students! Being a para is HEART work, and their presence in our schools is essential to student success. THANK YOU!! https://bit.ly/3m9YdfW
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
paraprofessional appreciation day graphic
👏 Congratulations to WHHS students Darwin Sanchez (left) and Steven Hoyos (right) on being named the Blue Devils of the Month for March!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
student posing with principal
student posing with principal
REMINDER | Tomorrow, April 5th, 2023, will be a half day for students due to staff development.
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
half day graphic
REMINDER | Tomorrow, April 5th, 2023, will be a half day for students due to staff development.
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
half day graphic
WHHS recently hosted a Trade School Job Fair in the main lobby! Check out some photos from the event and click the link below to watch an interview with some of the organizations that attended! The interview begins at the 3:45 mark. http://bit.ly/3ZH0Ao6
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
students at trad school job fair
students at trad school job fair
students at trad school job fair
students at trad school job fair
Today is the last day to see the incredible performance of Grease by the West Haven High School Theatre Workshop!! You will NOT want to miss this! The first show will begin at 2 pm and the last show will start at 7 pm. Purchase your tickets here: bit.ly/3xf7kxC
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
The notice for the Board of Education meeting on Monday, April 3 is now published. Click here to view the pdf: https://5il.co/1rpjb
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
Tonight is the opening act of Grease! The show, presented by the West Haven High School Theatre Workshop, is scheduled to start at 7 pm in the WHHS Auditorium! Purchase your tickets here: https://bit.ly/3xf7kxC
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
students performing grease
students performing grease
students performing grease
students performing grease
students performing grease
students performing grease
students performing grease
Congratulations to WHHS students Maya Bermudez and Sebastian Navarro on being named 2022-23 SCC Scholar Leaders! Maya and Sebastian were recognized and honored during a banquet at Anthony’s Ocean View in New Haven on Monday. Scholar Leaders are selected by their respective schools’ principal for demonstrating outstanding scholarship and leadership in their respective school and external communities!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
scholar leaders posing with principal
On Tuesday, May 2, 2023, Internet Safety Concepts will visit West Haven High School to provide information about the internet that every family should know. This presentation is for adults only. There will be a pre-presentation reception that begins at 5:45 pm in the WHHS Lobby, followed by the presentation at 6:30 pm in the auditorium. The West Haven PTA Council is a co-sponsor of the event and will be providing the food during the reception, as well as door prizes to those in attendance. Please RSVP by April 26, 2023! You must print and fill out the information below to RSVP. https://5il.co/1rka7
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
Congratulations to our WHHS Underwater ROV (remotely operated vehicle) teams on claiming 2nd place in the challenge course and 3rd place in the obstacle at the State competition in Waterford today!!
almost 2 years ago, West Haven High School
underwater rov team posing with award
underwater rov team posing with award
underwater rov team posing with award
We are just 1 day away from the West Haven High School Theatre Workshop's performance of Grease!! The first act is scheduled for 7 pm tomorrow, March 30th, in the WHHS Auditorium! Please see the flyer below for more information, and watch this video with our Drama Director, Tracy Stratton! Her interview begins around the 4:45 mark. https://bit.ly/3ZoraT4
almost 2 years ago, West Haven Public Schools
grease flyer
Ronnell Higgins, Associate Vice President for Public Safety and Community Engagement and former Yale Chief of Police, spoke to students in the Criminal Justice cohort today.
almost 2 years ago, Christopher Pelatowski